Just 30 days more. On 1st of December, I'll be writing the actual CAT. Mind you, don't ever expect me to write here about the percentile I get. You can forget about the percentage too. My orkut profile now reads as quants takin the shit out of me, the only thing is that it's more of in a cultured manner. What else am I supposed to when the thing I thought would make my head held high is betraying me at this very moment of urgency. I am not a person who has quantophobia. Infact, it was the only subject in my 12th grade in which I got 80plus marks, which naturally makes it the percentage booster. Since I had such fabulous marks, I was sure that no Govt College would be giving me admission. Infact, I remember getting a call card of waitlist number 170 for B. A. English. Rest of my applictaions would surely have had gone into the trash. So Engineering was not an option but a rescue. Mind you, I m pretty lucky when it comes to OMR sheets. Just not lucky enough for the bank tests which I write every other weekend.
So the preps is on a full swing. Even the books I got from the institute is intact. Rather untouched. So, if any more of CAT aspirants are out there, do let me know, I can sell those books for cheap prices. I have no idea how am I going to manage to do my regular last-minute-study, when I have so many marriages to attend. Nair's on Nov 12th and Binu's on Nov 15th. She called and informed me that the marriage hall is called "Cultural centre". Remember the chukku bazaar episode? Eldhose had commented on that "avide oru chukkumilla...athukonda chukku bazaar". I wonder, if that repeats this time too with "Cultural". ;)
Speaking of Binu, I whole heartedly thank her for coming up with the idea of Madhumohan serials for my post on DD. I heard Partner really enjoyed it. A brief intro to Partner- the name is what we call each other, inspired from the hindi movie of the same name. He's a buddy from my school and college times. Good at cooking. Long time back he did give me the recipe of cutlet which I naturally forgot. Now having good time onboard. See, this is what happens with me everytime. What I was actually thinking was to post on my real Agenda for CAT. Since there is no real Agenda, I have been blabbering craps here. Anyways, I only hope CAT is just good enough atleast to keep my excitement high for the next day, Ramettan's marriage. Yeah, its happening. It's a full fledged arranged marriage. And guess what, I found out the Mr. Lover whose elopement made it to the blog in Ramettan's friends list. His profile pic has our Mrs. Lover in it. Seems like, they are happily married. All the best for all the couples mentioned here.
P.S. :- And did you hear this one. IITs are going to raise the cut offs to 80%. I wonder what I am going to do if IIMs do the same. Even if they place a 70% cut off , I won't be able to surpass it.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
One month for CAT
Thursday, October 29, 2009
A few random things
These ideas have been running over my head for a very long time. But couldn't consolidate it to make a single post out of it. But I guess, I have no other go but to write about it atleast now. Otherwise, as you see, my blog along with going from bad to worse, its also becoming a stale one. It would be so unfair if I write only about movies and its reviews here. So bang on. Here it comes.
My take on mobiles:
Well, I am a proud devotee of Nokia mobiles and rarely do I think beyond it. I own an N72. You can claim it as the poor cousin of N70. Believe me, I bought it just because I wanted an N-series and the most cheapest one. So thats N72. You can only fool the fools who don't understand what N-series is. So, if anyone with N72 comes before me, I have only one word- CHEAP.
For me, N-series is a demi-god. N73 is the best of lot because its affordable too, but for the Joystick.(I don't know if that spelling is correct. Nevermind, atleast I never mispronounced it as Jockeystick as someone did ;) ). All those who own N73, for me, are INTELLIGENT. As for the rest of the series, man! you must be one hell of a RICH.
1100- You are one AMAZING person. Coz I have never ever seen such a durable yet user friendly mobile. And Nokia has stopped producing 1100, which makes me sad. You're a lucky one too.
1600- Time to change.
Music Express- You never thought about the camera, its lens and its pixels. Its better to go for Sony Ericsson rather than Nokia if you are a music freak.
Supernova- You are one hell of a rockin person. You like style.
6030- It was a classic then.
6300- Still think slim is in.
Sony Ericsson- You are a music freak?
Samsung- ARE YOU NUTS?
Motorola- Don't you think Abhishek does a better job in "Idea".
LG- Are you kidding.
Now onto Cars:
Well, one day when I have earned enough amount of money, I'll consider buying a car. But the following has been ruled out.
Maruti 800- to old. I would rather buy a scooty with that money.
Maruti Alto- A big NO! Coz every other car in Palakkad is an Alto.
Tata Indica- Its a taxi !!
WagonR- I feel there's a lot of similarity in WagonR and Omni. I wouldn't buy either of 'em.
Now you get feeling that, she is blurting all these things as if she has all the money in the world. I'm just saying this how I feel about cars. Its not big mouth, but a small part of it. Chevrolet Spark is a good option, I guess, also considering the fact that they now don't charge for maintenance upto 3 years. (Well the trivia about machines is they start malfunctioning after they cross the warranty period. Now, what the hey, its gonna be the same with cars too).
So, what will I do when I have loads of money. The only chance I see myself having a huge amount is a lucky draw. Coming back. There's only one car I wanna buy when I get a huge amount of money. SCORPIO. Isn't it the manliest of all? I don't know why SX4 has the tagline Men are back, when it actually suites Scorpio. Yeah, but the Nothing else will do is also a fine tag line.
This is best part. Coz, I really love sweets. But as for chocolates, the ordinary toffees are a big No-No. Long time back, I used to like Lacto King and Coffee bite. But these days, I love MUNCH. It started off as a routine in our College. You get your friend's assignment, drawing or rough record done, you get to munch Munch. And then now its become a sort of habbit. Everytime I buy a Munch for Chinnu (my niece), I get another one for myself. I hardly can resist it. Diarymilk and Milkybar are also fine. But I hate the idea of eating Fivestar or BarOne. It sticks to your teeth. Eeks.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Cinema Paradiso
Needless to say, movies are my only rescue these days. When I get back home tired after writing some heck mock CAT, Rosebowl shows up with their matinee movie which they have put in the category "Sweethearts". And then I see While You Were Sleeping, Sweet Home Alabama, You've Got Mail for the umpteenth time. But I can't resist seeing 'em. Romantic-Comedy is my usual genre. By the way, I found one thing. That Hollywood filmmakers have always been in love with Cinderella. They have adapted the story in many shapes and sizes. Like, there is one geek girl, who prefers to be invisble. She has a love interest who happens to be the boyfriend of the most popular girl of the school. And then when Prom Night comes, she wears this holy beautiful gown and impresses the hero. Then there is some bitching by the Villi. But the story ends well. The hero and the heroine live happily ever after. So how many movies have you seen of this type? Ask me- its innumerable. But the funny thing is I still enjoy these movies. Particularly when it comes to the school stories, they are so colorful which forces me to sit down and watch each one of these movies.
But occassionaly I do see other kind of movies. Which are of not my type, generally those slower ones. AM was the one who used to see such movies. UTV movies being her favorite channel. Because of her, me and Lallu used to see Japanese and Chinese movies which had no stunt sequences. Before that, my perception about the movies from those regions were that only Jackie Chan and Jet Lee made movies there. The other day, I saw Cinema Paradiso which I saw just because a friend of mine suggested it. Thanks to my internet connection, it took more than a month to download it. And after all the effort, I was glad that I saw the movie. For me, it wasn't anything related to inspirational or motivational. And me being ignorant of the world cinema, I couldn't even get, what to say, the development of cinema during and after the world war which was showcased in it. But for me, it was as if I were reading a pleasant book. The memories of the childhood, the childhood hero, the fantasies we have at that time, the blunders at school, the first love etc. You say it, and it was there in the movie. The knowledge that someone is there with you in whatever you do and whatever you achieve is a great relief. It doesn't burden you but it strengthens you, to do more.
Two scenes of the movie which made my mouth wide open with awe were 1. the scene in which Alfredo allow the crowd outside the theatre to watch the movie by turning the projection and the young Toto is mused to see it. 2. the last scene in which Toto sees the series of kissing scenes which were earlier manually edited by Alfredo upon the Priests' order, Alfredo had left Toto with this film after his death. When I saw this scene, I was totally relieved. Alfredo was earlier was being accused to have made Toto loose his first and only love. But leaving behind the film, meant that he had always cared for Toto and also believed in his capabilities as a film maker. How nice it is when you have a person who believes in you more you do in yourself. These were a few things I enjoyed in the movie.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
And then finally it happened..........I'm engaged
This is the biggest update of all times. I am engaged !!! Can't believe it? Me too. So it finally happened. I am betrothed to, going by my style of writing, a guy with no moustache and no beard. ;) Well, I have always liked it like that only.This might well mark the end of my t-intrvw posts. I would call it an "era" of my blog. So now onwards what am I going to write here?? :( I have to figure it soon, I guess.